Learn to Elevate Your Business with AI!

Unleash the Power of AI in Your Business

Step into the future of business with expert-led GPT integration and custom AI solutions.


Stuck at the Starting Line with AI?

You've heard the buzz about AI, maybe even dabbled in ChatGPT, but true leverage remains elusive. It's must be exhausging to feel...


Confusion about where to begin with AI 🤷


Overwhelm from the plethora of AI tools available 🌪️


Frustration with generic ChatGPT responses 🗯️


Fear of falling behind competitors who use AI effectively 🏃‍♂️💨


Lack of time to learn and implement AI solutions ⏰

The Domino Effect of Inaction Will Feel Painful

If you don't act now - it's a matter of time until you start seeing...

Increased workload with diminishing returns 💼

Stagnation in a rapidly evolving market 🛑

Missed opportunities for business growth 📉

Inefficiencies eating into your profits 📊

Customer dissatisfaction due to slow service 🚫

Included with Every Bundly

Strategic Consultation

Get 30 minutes of reviewing the best strategies how to maximize the value out of your Bundly

Content Review Session

Get 30 more minutes of reviewing the content, ideas, strategies and copy from your Bundly

How do you start?

We offer two ways to help you leverage AI regardless of how technical you are.


Personal Coaching

We take you by the hand and spend at least 4 hours training you to become better at LLMs and Image Generation AIs. You will learn better prompting, simple API training, and more.


Done-For-You Solution

If you want to leverage AI but want everything to be done for you we offer All-in-One Bundly packages with 100+ pages of customized AI-driven business solutions.

Your AI Transformation Journey Begins Now!

With Ian's expertise, navigate the AI landscape confidently and make technology work for you.

Whether you seek mastery through personalized coaching or prefer a hands-off approach with Bundly, Ian's AI solutions are tailored to elevate your business effortlessly.

AI Coaching

Unlock the potential of AI with expert guidance.

Custom AI Solutions

Tailored scripts and tools for your unique business needs.

Proven Strategies

Apply AI for tangible business improvements.

Advanced GPT Applications

Stay ahead with the latest AI tech.

Claim your spot today

🧩 Worried about the complexity? Ian's coaching makes AI simple.

🌿 Uncertain about the future? Stay adaptable with AI that evolves with you.

🛣️ Fearful of change? Ian's support makes the transition smooth.

Get Personal Coaching / Consulting

✅ Learn advanced GPT, image gen, and API

Become a prompt master

Learn simple ways to train GPT models

Build custom business solutions

... and more

About Ian

Ian has been an early adopter of GPT, MidJourney, and a handful of other AI tools. With a deep understanding of the philosophy behind modern LLM, Ian created many solutions for his own business and later, other clients' ventures.
