Get Free Tools and Resources From BundlyAI

We created useful tools, resource packs, guides and other goodies for you to succeed in business development. Enjoy them 100% FREE.

📚 Recommended Business Reads

With BundlyAI's 50 key books, grow your business. Get expert tips or a tailored Bundly for sharp, trusted advice.

🔗 Useful Business Development Tools and Resources

Get a handpicked list of essential business tools for areas like project management and e-commerce, helping businesses to succeed.

✅ Business Development Checklist

Enhance your business with our detailed checklist, covering business understanding to strategy adaptation. Our Bundly service and case studies provide quick growth insights.

🏪 Digital Transition Blueprint

Boost your local business online with the "17-Step Business Transition Guide". Get detailed tips and resources on market analysis, tech setup, online marketing, and operations.

🎁 Craft Your Irresistible Offer with Notion AI

Improve your business with the free 30-Minute Transformation Tool. Use Notion AI or manual formulas for better offer statements and increased sales.

🤖 AI Prompt List for Business Development

Improve your business with our AI Prompt List. Get step-by-step advice for platforms like ChatGPT and Google Bard from startup to expansion.

⛵ Voyage to Victory: Entrepreneur Tales

Steer your business through tough times with our "Voyage to Victory: Entrepreneur Tales" guide. Gain knowledge from industry leaders such as J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk about resilience, forward-thinking, finance, branding and more.