

Discover Unmatched Savings

Starting a new venture is thrilling but often met with budget hurdles and tight schedules. The usual route involves hiring multiple experts, leading to budget overflows and complex coordination.



Dodge the Hiring Hustle

Here are 12 professionals you would need to hire for your launch if you didn't have BundlyAI as a consolidated, cost-effective solution

Branding Expert

Marketing Strategist


SEO Expert

Social Media Manager

Email Marketing Specialist

Ad Campaign Manager

Customer Research Analyst

Content Creator

Sales Strategist

Graphic Designer

Web Developer


How much can you save with BundlyAI?

Let's explore three examples how much you can save on manual work and hiring contractors.



Lower-End Budget Launching an Online Course

Bootstrapping your way to a new course launch with freelance talent.

See example →


Freelance Branding Consultant


Crafting a basic brand identity to resonate with online learners.


Freelance Marketing Strategist


Developing a grassroots marketing plan to build early interest.


Freelance Product Copywriter


Writing compelling course descriptions and landing page copy.


Freelance SEO Specialist


Optimizing your course page to be discovered on search engines.


Freelance Social Media Manager


Creating and managing a social media calendar to engage potential students.


Freelance Sales Strategist


Crafting a sales strategy to maximize course enrollments.

Total Cost: $9,000



Mid-Range Budget Launching a Local Business Offer

Mobilizing a small yet skilled team to make your local business offer a town sensation.

See example →


Small Agency Branding Expert


Creating a memorable brand to establish a local market presence.


Small Agency Marketing Team


Crafting and executing a marketing strategy to generate buzz in the local community.


In-House Copywriter


Penning persuasive offer descriptions and promotional content.


SEO Agency


Ensuring your business ranks high in local online searches.


Social Media Agency


Driving engagement and awareness through targeted social campaigns.


Local PR Specialist


Garnering local media attention to promote the business offer.

Total Cost: $33,000



High-End Budget Launching a New App

Assembling a team of experts to propel your app to the pinnacle of app store charts.

See example →


Branding Agency


Developing a captivating brand identity to set your app apart in a crowded marketplace.


Marketing Firm


Creating and implementing a robust marketing strategy to skyrocket app downloads.


Experienced Copywriting Team


Crafting compelling app descriptions, landing pages, and promotional copy.


SEO and ASO Firm


Optimizing app store listings and website for maximum visibility and download conversions.


Social Media Management Firm


Orchestrating a vigorous social media campaign to build a community of avid users.


User Acquisition Specialist


Developing strategies to drive app installations and user engagement.

Total Cost: $168,000

BundlyAI Helps You Eliminate The Pain

Swap the stress of juggling multiple hires for the ease and efficiency of BundlyAI

Eliminate Time Drain

Dodge endless meetings and coordination chaos.

Bypass Budget Burst

Evade the financial strain tied to multiple hires.

Resolve Consistency Chaos

Sidestep mismatched ideas and disjointed strategies.

Accelerate Your Debut

Escape the prolonged wait to launch your dream project.

Ready to Break the Bank or Break the Norm?

Why splurge on a battalion of experts when you can kickstart your venture at a fraction of the cost with BundlyAI?